Friday, January 22, 2010


Wednesday I was able to see a new patient (my husband's friend) and I noticed a bit more confident with my intrumentation in general, my ergonomics habits have improved, and I missed less sots than I did the previous clinic day. The appoitment went smooth and I was able to take a good set of x-rays. Really, the x-ray holders save me everytime! Also, I was able to finish my patient being more detail oriented this time, which means that I was able to have the treatment plan already printed out and ready to go by the time I had to get my OD check. I didn't have to use the ultrasonics and it was kind of nice. I need all the intrumentation practice I can get! Lastly, I was able to use my patient as an exam patient and it went well! I just need to remember that Class I classification in normal, class II teeth go back and class III teeth go forward!

The adventure continues monday with my first pedo patient! Here we go!

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