Thursday, October 15, 2009


So, times goes by so fast that I realized yesterday that having to find a patient is just around the corner. This means that this semester is almost over and the fun part is just about to come as we feel more and more prepare to really start making cleanings! It has been exciting and it feels good that we have been able to learn and practice with anterior and posterior instruments. I have learnt that we use our Nebraska to cleans anterior teeth and, Barnhardt to clean the posterior teeth. I learnt that with the barnhadrt we focus on the interproximal areas and our strokes are suppoused to go against the distal or mesial to the tooth and lingually. That stroke has been hard to grasp as I am not used to these two motions together. I am excited to be able to practice these two intruments better on Monday. I feel that many practical concepts have been presented and clinic and that little time has been provided to practice over and over. But I was really comforted to find out that professor Costley arranged it so that we get more time to practice our instrumentation more and more and feel really comfortable with them.
Overall, this semester has been very productive although I feel I haven't been on top of things like I would have liked to. I am little by little getting a hand of things and because of that each day I feel a micrometter close to the closing of the first semester!

Good just keeps getting better... :-D

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